For this week’s Cinemavino, we have another mini-episode, this time focusing on the critically-acclaimed The Green Knight. A sharp, cerebral look at the medieval poem, Knight shows the emotional struggle of Sir Gawain (Dev Patel), as he marches to a showdown the mythical Green Knight.
An impressive cinematic work, The Green Knight features the intimate, meticulous drama of a indie movie, while also showcasing the eye-popping cinematography and costume design of a truly epic piece of cinema. Patel is absolutely phenomenal in the lead.
To read my review The Green Knight, click here.
For our wine, we decided to look at bubblies. As we recorded on a Sunday, and sparkling vino is a staple of both brunch and day-drinking, it just seemed appropriate.

De Faveri is a Prosecco, or an Italian style of bubbly. It’s a Brut, which means it will be on the dryer end of the scale. That said, you’ll also get grassy, floral notes and hints of green apple, as well. Conventional wisdom says to never make a mimosa with something you wouldn’t drink on its own, and this affordable little Prosecco definitely fits that bill. A special shout-out to my wife, Joanna: Her company, LDF, distributes this sparkling in Oklahoma and Kansas!
To learn a little more about this wine, click here. Now, kick back and enjoy another fine episode of Cinemavino!