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Jurassic World Dominion (2022)::rating::2

J urassic World Dominion takes hundreds of millions of dollars, Oscar-level talent, and two-plus hours of the audience's valuable time, and shovels them all into a blazing furnace.  The result is a hellish inferno that threatens to engulf any good vibes this franchise has left.  Somehow, the filmmakers manage to make ravenous dinosaurs seem boring, while also…

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Father of the Bride (2022)::rating::2.5

T his Father of the Bride suffers from the same disease that afflicted the previous two versions:  We'll call it the First World Grumpies.  That means we spend most of this movie watching a mopey millionaire bellyache about writing checks.  Andy Garcia's titular father pouts and throws toddler-sized tantrums, replete with saliva-soaked volleys of angry Spanish.  Clearly,…

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Watcher (2022)::rating::3

W atcher wasn't constructed with COVID in mind, but it might as well have been.  On one level, this is an atmospheric little thriller that lights a fuse and lets it sizzle for most of the movie.  Take a look below that, and you'll find a meditation on loneliness and spiritual frustration--the very demons that descend…

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Network (1976)::rating::5

B y 1976, television had already gained momentum as a cultural hurricane, churning and demolishing everything in its path.  No film predicted the tack that storm would take better than Network.  Audiences who once laughed with nervous energy at the lunacy of blood-soaked infotainment now cringe that its satirical apocalypse has been fully realized.  Frothing pundits…

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