Anyway, for this week’s Cinemavino, we screen a polarizing horror movie: Midsommar.
Beyond its legacy, Heat remains an engaging masterpiece–an intimate character study of epic proportions.
For this week’s episode, we return to the familiar format of screening a movie, pounding some wine, and offering gibberish commentary.
You know those background movies you have on while you fold laundry or clean expired condiments out of your fridge? That’s this one.
Our podcast renaissance continues with the latest episode of Cinemavino. For this go-around, we discuss how COVID-19 will affect our movie-going habits, both now and going forward. This was recorded immediately after the previous episode, so some of our conversation is outright gibberish. Also, we talked before Black Widow and No Time to Die were pushed back indefinitely. Either way,…
More than anything, Enola Holmes is a lark, a low-calorie mystery that never commits the sin of self-seriousness.
After a long corona-hiatus, the Cinemavino gang returns to talk about what we’ve been watching lo these many moons. Thankfully, we quickly fall right back into our standard gibberish.
For 138 minutes, the filmmakers invite us to wallow in the slop, along with a platoon of unpleasant, unredeemable characters.
Antebellum ends up as a polarizing experience–an undernourished horror movie with an overpowered message.
This entire franchise is in dire need of a CTRL-ALT-DEL, and hopefully that’s coming soon. The New Mutants is a few mutants too late.