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Good Ol’ Freda (2013)::rating::3.5

Rock history is replete with well-intentioned superstars who chose to people their inner circle with blood-sucking sycophants.  Elvis had his Memphis Mafia, a nasty little cadre of shitkickers who strip-mined Presley’s well-known generosity and contributed heavily to his emotional and physical disintegration.  And though possessed of a greater sense of savvy, the Beatles were no less vulnerable…

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Vertigo (1958)::rating::0

  Vertigo is an odd, elliptical masterpiece that manages to somehow embody Alfred Hitchcock’s cinematic eccentricities and yet stand apart from the rest of his sprawling filmography.  It covers his familiar terrain of obsession and death (and his fetish for platinum blondes with icy dispositions) but is defined and distinguished by a melancholic fog that hangs densely…

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Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)::rating::0

  It’s full D&D porn, as Big Bad Sauron brings his Orcs, Men, and mammoths to bear on Middle Earth. Jackson builds impeccable spectacle--the Battle of Pelennor Fields is relentlessly exciting, and the players match the technical perfection, especially Mortensen as the titular king. Unfortunately, the soufflé collapses in the epilogue, where we get endless Hobbit giggles and…

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Plan 9 From Outer Space::rating::0

  Plan 9 occupies such rarified air atop the summit of bad cinema that to analyze it represents an intimidating prospect.  It is, in fact, an anomalous presence in movie history—a richly textured masterpiece of aggressive incompetence that somehow manages to be laughable and poignant, lazy yet strangely ambitious. Its auteur, Ed Wood, styled himself as a sci-fi…

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