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Dr. Strangelove (1964)::rating::5
D r. Strangelove is one of the greatest examples of telling truth to power in all of cinema.  For 94 glorious minutes, Stanley Kubrick and his co-conspirators use comedy to permanently prove that the entrenched dogmas of the Cold War were, you know, stupid.  Characters in this film speak of "missile superiority" and "mutually assured destruction" with…
Ghostbusters (1984)::rating::5
M ore than anything, Ghostbusters taught me that joy can live within the finest details.  In the forty years since its release, I have savored every nuance of this movie--every quotable bit of dialogue, every sarcastic Bill Murray smirk, every note of its maddeningly catchy theme song.  Put all of it together, and you have one of…
Pulp Fiction (1994)::rating::5
Q uentin Tarantino’s masterpiece bears the off-kilter zeal of a crazed saucier–the kind of Creole chef who uses two teaspoons of Sherry for the recipe, then drinks the rest straight from the bottle.  From Akira Kurosawa to Arthur Penn, from Buddy Holly’s rock nerdery to James Dean’s leather-jacket cool—just about any pertinent pop culture reference…

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